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Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Have an Organized Warehouse through Inventory Management Software

A reliable warehouse management system is now essential in retail, service delivery and countless other industries, helping a company or business keep track of its assets and distribute these accordingly to their entire customer base. All the tools the help prevent products from getting damaged, eliminate thefts and costly mistakes while keeping customers satisfied is what defines inventory management software. Modern businesses appreciate the fact that inventory automation technology has the ability to plan ahead and prepare for unforeseen sales spikes or drops by monitoring trends. You will thus be able to be more effective in the management and pull off valuable stats any time you need them. A warehouse management tool is a vital addition to your software infrastructure regardless of the complexity of your stock. It is one of the fastest ways to meet both your customers and employee’s expectations.
Before you decide to purchase your first software, you need to first determine which type of warehouse software you need. There are both simple catalogs and complex listing systems available in the market. That is why it is important to compare different varieties of solutions before you make your decision. This knowledge will help you select the ideal system that matches your business’ needs.
Why use Inventory Management Software?
There are numbers benefits associated with using inventory management software such as prompt customer service, accurate distributions of products, and more secure deal closure. The ideal scenario is whereby your system is well integrated with third-party management software that is readily available to users even on mobile devices. This can cater to the needs of large and decentralized teams. Here are some the main advantages of using such a system.
  • Centralized storage: it gets so difficult to manage orders from different stock locations and send products to the right customers. An adequate warehouse tool will help you track the availability of stored products and so your customers will always be promptly informed in the status of their orders.
  • Efficient stock operations: any healthy retail business relies heavily on good inventory management as it saves time and effort that would otherwise be needed to manually manage stock. A collaborative system in place ensures your employees don’t need to write daily reports and be in a rush to give them to customers. Rather, they will have the data regularly updated on their mobile devices.
  • Enhanced sales productivity: many companies have reported noteworthy improvement in their closed deal rates after implementing an inventory management solution. Accurate reports prevent you from making you common human mistakes and from losing customers. You will not direct clients to the wrong stores.
  • In time delivery: you can easily hit delivery deadlines and spare customers the agony of waiting for ages for their shipment to arrive. An advanced system will even go beyond this and give customers a realistic picture of their order’s status. This allows them to track the product’s movement right from the purchase up to arrival.
  • No more hidden costs: good inventory systems adjust easily to a sudden rise in your sales so that you get to align them with sudden spikes or drops in sales. You will not need to pay extra storage fees. You also get a product that packs and ships the product for you.
  • Satisfied customers: with a personalized service that delivers accurate responses at any time, your customers will be very satisfied. They will follow along with the progress of their shipped orders without fear of late notice that the expected product is no longer available.
  • Integration with back-office systems; you will identify a quality inventory system by examining its connectivity to back-office applications that process stock related data. In order to be in the safe side, it is better to purchase an open API system as this allows all service providers to stay connected and this always comes with the best technical support.
  • Accurate planning and forecasting: the fact that you can plan ahead and track the status of your products while managing any negative trends means that you are more proactive. You can easily predict the progress of your sales through an examination of vital historical data. Inventory tools are packed with analytic features that save you time while helping you stay more productive.
  • The Different Types of Software
    These systems can be classified in different ways but the intended use and purpose will define a type of software you have selected. The category will also depend on the mode of work and features available. The first group of the category is the manually-managed inventory systems. This is inspired by spreadsheet technology and it is ideal for small business or startups that are still in the process of transitioning from paper-based stock management to an automated system. These systems are simple and are designed to order and track a limited number of products. The user will still need to enter formulas for complex calculations and this is a downside because human errors may still be an issue and cause output inaccuracies.
    Barcode scanning systems is another classification which allows companies to process a large number of items and retrieve data directly from computerized cash registers. There is an automatic update of incoming inventory and this makes it easy for agents to always be informed in their ordering and purchase when it is ready to use. What makes this even better is that these systems are not restricted only to a limited number of warehouses. Rather, inventory can move without any obstruction during packing and shipping procedures. There are many systems which offer barcode scanning as part of their integrated feature.
    Advanced radio frequency systems may be expensive but are known to provide the biggest guarantee when it comes to the efficiency and productivity of your business. Automation is provided in a warehouse from end to end and it is an ideal system for large enterprises with thousands of order to process on a daily basis.

    This newspaper editor said the Ku Klux Klan 'needs to ride again' - and people are reacting accordingly

    a black sign with white letters© Provided by Independent Digital News & Media Limited
    People are calling for the resignation of an Alabama newspaper editor after publishing an editorial calling for the Ku Klux Klan to "ride again".
    The year is 2019.
    The editorial, titled ‘The Klan Needs To Ride Again’ appeared in the Democrat-Reporter, based in Linden, Alabama.
    It reads:
    Time for the Ku Klux Klan to night ride again. Democrats in the Republican Party and Democrats are plotting to raise taxes in Alabama.
    They do not understand how to eliminate expenses when money is needed in other areas. This socialist-communist ideology sounds good to the ignorant, the uneducated, and the simple-minded people.
    Sutton added: "Seem like the Klan would be welcome to raid the gated communities up there.”
    In some bizarre way, the piece seems to portray the KKK as social justice warriors defending the inalienable rights of Americans. Not, you know, racist thugs with a history of violence and murder against African-Americans and minorities.
    Sutton told the Montgomery Advertiser that he wasn’t calling for the hanging of all Americans (lynching was another common occurrence in the KKK’s bloody history), just the "socialist-communists".
    He added: "We'll get the hemp ropes out, loop them over a tall limb and hang all of them."
    Sutton said that he didn’t think the KKK is a “racist and violent organisation” compared them to the NAACP.
    A violent organization? Well, they didn't kill but a few people.
    The Klan wasn't violent until they needed to be.
    The University of Southern Mississippi removed the 79-year-old from their Communications Hall of Fame.
    More: The press release for Meghan Trainor's new EP is so awful it somehow won the internet
    More: Kelsey Grammer revealed he's pro-Trump and Brexit on Radio 4 and fans are disappointed
    Support free-thinking journalism and subscribe to Independent Minds

    The Super Snow Moon is basically the Marie Kondo of full moons, so prepare accordingly

    The full moon is always fruitful. It’s a time of reckoning and truth, when we look back on what we’ve achieved since the New Moon; it also serves to illuminate certain areas that we either want to focus more on or let go altogether. This month’s full moon, rising on February 18th and peaking in the wee hours of February 19th, is a Super Snow Moon; it’s “super” because the moon is at its closest point in its orbit to Earth, and, according to, it’s known as the snow moon because typically we receive the most snow around this time of year (and, yeah, ain’t that the truth).
    The Super Snow Moon lands in Virgo, the efficient perfectionist of the zodiac. Think: purging, organizing, and attempting to bring order and clarity to all aspects of our lives, including our feelings. And, speaking of feelings, this full moon is also occurring in Pisces season, astrology’s feelingest feeler. Put these together, and you have a full moon that urges us to come up with strategies and coping mechanisms when it comes to our emotions, dreams, and goals. We might not be where we want to be (yet), but we can find the tools to help us keep it together and get us to where we want to go.
    As for the snow? Well, it’s on the mend, friends. Let us take this time to hunker down and get still. Here’s what else this Super Snow Moon has in store for your zodiac sign.
    You like learning new things, Aries. How can you learn more about yourself during this transit? Which areas of your life have you been ignoring? Leave no stone unturned. Your insights will give you relief.
    It’s time to consider the most pragmatic solution to what ails you, Taurus. It might not be the sexiest option, but it will help keep you moving forward. Look at what makes the most sense and do it.
    This is an opportunity for you to view criticism as growth, Gemini. While you hate to be “wrong,” humility is one of the keys to moving ahead, and so is acknowledging that there’s an alternative way of doing things that still fits your vision.
    Don’t be so hard on yourself during this time, Cancer. It’s easy for you to point out your shortcomings, but how is that serving you? Instead, look at how far you’ve come and get excited about where you’re headed next.
    How can you add structure to your life, Leo? While you thrive on spontaneity, now is a great time to explore how discipline can also serve your passionate personality. What checks and balances can you make?
    Where can you loosen up a bit, Virgo? You’re excellent at organization and purifying, but where can you let go? How can you fully accept and love where you’re at in life without any fussing and messing? Because that’s self-love.
    Whatever comes your way during this time, Libra, you’re being called to handle it with your trademark diplomacy and some logical thinking. What is the best solution for the highest good of all, no matter how emotional the situation might be?
    It’s time to find clarity, Scorpio. Typically, you analyze and research the heck out of a subject, but how can you ease up on your process? How can you balance both knowledge and intuition? Clarity comes with facts and being true to ourselves.
    Where do you see yourself in six months, Sag? In a year? Your big dreams need some practicality in order to become real. This is your time to learn how you can both aim high while also systemically building for your future.
    Don’t get so down on yourself, Cap. You’re doing better than you give yourself credit for. Don’t measure your success on numbers and stats, but how you feel about it. Your emotions are an important metric. Honor them and yourself.
    You’re brimming with a new idea, Aquarius, but you might be stuck on how to make it real. How might you be able to stay true to your grassroots ways while also bringing some grounded-ness to your high-flying dreams? It’s okay to play by the rules sometimes.
    This time is all about building a solid base for making your most fanciful dreams come true, Pisces. Which new routines do you need to introduce to your life to make your goals actionable? Finding balance will go a long way for you.
    It’s time to tidy up, bbs. Whether that means your closet, your feelings, or your routines, by introducing organization and balance into our lives, we can make solid strides in grounding ourselves and making our lives more functional and fulfilling.

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