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Thursday, March 21, 2019

about reading

Golden retriever Tobias lends a listening ear to help Mundelien students improve reading skills
On a recent afternoon, 11-year-old Sebastian Marinez saddled up to Tobias, the reading dog, inside Carl Sandburg Middle School in Mundelein as if they were long lost pals.
“It’s fun to read to him,” said Sebastian, a sixth-grader at the school. “He can hear how I can read and how good.”
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Tobias, 3, is a golden retriever owned by Lord of Glory Lutheran Church in Grayslake who regularly visits Sandburg and Mechanics Grove Elementary in Mundelein School District 75 throughout the school year for one purpose, said district spokeswoman Janet McMahan.
For the past two years, students at both schools have taken turns once a month reading aloud to Tobias. Many are struggling readers who have been criticized for their reading skills, but the presence of Tobias makes them want to read more, McMahan said.
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Not only do students want to read more but, studies have shown, they actually improve their reading skills, said Kathy Kotz, executive director of Intermountain Therapy Animals in Salt Lake City, Utah, which began offering reading education assistance dogs in 1999.
“Even 15 to 20 minutes a week can increase reading levels by two to four grades in one year,” Kotz said. “They just flourish because it’s fun, they look forward to it and suddenly the idea of reading isn’t so daunting.”
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Intermountain launched READ, the first dog-reading therapy program, after Kotz saw the effect dogs had on children staying at hospitals and other settings, she said.
Dogs don’t criticize or comment on the reading. They just listen, Kotz said.
Brian O'Mahoney/Pioneer Press
Sebastian Marinez, 11, reads to "Tobias," a comfort dog who recently visited Carl Sandburg Middle School in Mundelein.
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Sebastian Marinez, 11, reads to "Tobias," a comfort dog who recently visited Carl Sandburg Middle School in Mundelein. (Brian O'Mahoney/Pioneer Press)
“When we first started, I wondered if it would be a flash in the pan, but it turned it out to be so legitimate and powerful,” she said. “It has all the proper elements.”
Intermountain Therapy Animals has since registered over 6,000 READ program users in 25 other countries, Kotz said.
Tobias’ handler and caregiver, Jenni Hoffmeyer, said the golden retriever received more than 2,000 hours of training over 19 months before sitting with children readers.
He is part of a national ministry that serves readers in 25 states in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospitals and schools, Hoffmeyer said.
Heather Condron, a special education teacher at Sandburg, invited Tobias and Hoffmeyer, a substitute teacher at the school, to visit Mundelein after Hoffmeyer shared stories of her work with Tobias.
The individualized education programs, or IEPs, for each of Condron’s students include goals for improving reading fluency, she said. Since Tobias began visiting with students, their reading scores have improved, Condron said.
“They’re just feeling comfortable,” she said. “It’s a dog. If you make a mistake, the dog won’t interrupt or correct you.”
Sebastian said he likes reading, but he declined to talk about reading for other people.
“I don’t know,” he said. “Reading to Tobias is different because it’s like reading to a dog. I like it better because he’s just still and he just listens.”
Brian O'Mahoney/Pioneer Press
Kelly Molina, 12, reads to "Tobias," a comfort dog who recently visited Carl Sandburg Middle School in Mundelein.
Kelly Molina, 12, reads to "Tobias," a comfort dog who recently visited Carl Sandburg Middle School in Mundelein. (Brian O'Mahoney/Pioneer Press)
A note to readers about Reading Eagle filing for bankruptcy protection
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